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If getting a bright white smile is high on your ‘to-do’ list then consider this article essential reading. Professional teeth whitening is by far the most effective way to achieve a dazzling white smile. But like with any form of whitening – and Opalescence is no different, teeth whitening instructions must be followed to the letter to ensure long-lasting results. 

Many of us like to start our day with a cup of coffee, eat the odd curry, and when it comes to enjoying a drink with friends later in the day, order a glass of rioja. Unfortunately, over time our tooth enamel absorbs these colours and teeth start to look a little stained.    

While initially, this may not be too much of a problem, if you’ve got an event looming such as a wedding or a holiday, then teeth whitening helps you prepare to look your best. Whether this is your first experience of Opalescence tooth whitening or you’re simply looking for ways to get the most out of your treatment, we’ve listed a few do’s and don’ts that cover the basics. 

Let’s jump in and get started.


Opalescence Teeth Whitening Instructions – What to Do and Not to Do


Firstly the do’s


1.Oral Examination

Before undergoing Opalescence tooth whitening our dentist at MyDental West Ryde will examine your mouth, teeth, and gums. He’ll be checking for any signs of decay,  gum disease, or loose fillings which need to be addressed. You should also be aware that only your natural teeth will respond to teeth whitening and any crowns, veneers, or bridges will remain the same.

This could lead to uneven whitening which is why it’s always best to consult your dentist if you’re considering bleaching your teeth with peroxide (contained in whitening products). They can determine if it’s a suitable option for you. 

2. Clean and scale 

Our dentist also recommends that for the best results your teeth are clean and free from plaque. So why is this? 

Having a professional clean before a teeth whitening appointment makes it easier for our dentist to whiten all the surfaces of your teeth. Not only are trapped food particles released during a clean and scale but any hardened plaque can also be gently scraped away. 

Starting with a clean slate, as it were, helps maximise the results of teeth whitening, giving you even results across all of your teeth. 


3. Follow the instructions 

For take-home whitening, it’s important to follow the Opalescence teeth whitening instructions that you will be issued with when you leave our clinic with your custom trays and syringes of whitening gel. 

Efficient teeth whitening relies on contact with the teeth and can’t be rushed. If your teeth start to feel sensitive and are causing you pain, then it’s best to rinse your mouth with tepid water and take a break from whitening for a few days. If the pain persists then seek advice from our dentist. 


5. Use a whitening toothpaste 

After you’ve finished whitening your teeth at home, we recommend you use a whitening toothpaste – your teeth will feel and look even more amazing. If you’re experiencing any tooth sensitivity then try using a toothpaste for sensitive teeth for a few days. It’s not unusual to feel a little sensitivity following Opalescence tooth whitening but this should gradually ease within a few days. 

Teeth whitening isn’t a permanent solution and to help your newly whitened teeth remain white and bright, there are a couple of things you should consider avoiding.




1. Avoid eating or drinking coloured foods

Teeth whitening instructions for all products, including Opalescence, will advise you to avoid drinking or eating any foods for 48 hours that if you spilt them down your white shirt, for instance, would stain it. If you must have your coffee in the morning to function, then consider sipping it through a straw rather than directly from the cup. 

If you do give in to temptation and order food or drink that could mark your teeth, drink a glass of water immediately afterwards. It’s not a bad idea to carry a bottle of water around with you and drink water after every meal to flush away any substances that could otherwise spoil your newly whitened smile. 


2. Give up smoking 

Tobacco is one of the bad guys when it comes to staining your teeth and smoking cigarettes is one of the quickest ways to diminish the whiteness of your teeth. If you can, consider giving up smoking altogether. Not only will your smile stay whiter for longer, but your breath will be fresher, and you’ll significantly lower your risk of cancer.

If you are a suitable candidate for teeth whitening then naturally it’s important to follow your Opalescence teeth whitening instructions to achieve the best results. Fortunately, with professional teeth whitening, our dentist is there to guide you through the process and monitor your treatment. You couldn’t be in a safer pair of hands. 

If you’d prefer, at MyDental West Ryde we also provide in-chair Opalescence teeth whitening which will reward you with a bright white smile in less than an hour. It’s an ideal solution if you can’t wait for whiter teeth. 


To find out if teeth whitening is the right for you, why not schedule an appointment with MyDental West Ryde by calling at (02) 8073 9338. We’ll talk you through both treatments so you can make an informed decision. 

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